Kristin Rockaway’s ‘She’s Faking It’

Excuse me, I would like to float in a coconut. Thank you.

This review was commissioned by Harper Collins.

From the moment I met Bree, striving hard to maintain excellence at a job with zero growth potential or future, I identified with everything she was going through. Struggling to pay her bills, always? Check. Battling a mile wide bad luck streak that doesn’t even sound real when you’re explaining it to others? Oh, CHECK. Bree is goodhearted and easily discouraged and struggling in her mid-twenties to find her way.

Bree is everyone.

What ensues, and how Rockaway relates the dangers of Instagram and feeling inferior when, in fact, most people are highly exaggerating the greatness of their lives, is nothing short of brilliant and moving and hilarious.

The relevance of that feeling, of the “how I wish my life/home/dinner were more Instagram-worthy” makes us all feel like maybe our real lives are Instagram-worthy after all; wilted flowers and in progress changes included.

5 stars.