Annabeth Albert’s ‘Feel The Fire’

This review was commissioned by Harper Collins.

Luis and Tucker are both brave, chiseled, incredibly selfless men who valiantly face down the flames of hell in burning buildings, forests, etc. without a moment’s hesitation, risking everything to save animals, people, their homes, and the wilderness, never stopping to consider their own safety.

The only thing that seems to faze these two at all, give them pause and caution, it seems, is each other.

Haunted by their shared past and hesitant to forgive each other and move forward now, their connection is very strong from the moment they begin interacting in present day on the page; but there is little magic. No spark.

What starts off with so much promise, for me, never truly takes off and the characters are, unfortunately, incredibly difficult to root for.

Annabeth Albert’s writing is beautiful and solid, and the story does ask squarely to be told- I just wish the heroes were a teeny bit more likable.

3 stars.