Author: admin

  • Review of Joe Hill’s ‘Full Throttle

    Full Throttle is, as I have come to expect from Joe Hill, a work that takes off and goes from the very first paragraph; you will be horrified, disgusted, heartbroken, and find yourself caring, way more than you want to, even about the characters you know you shouldn’t. What you will not be is sorry…

  • Summer of ’69 Review

    So, anybody who knows me knows I love to read. LOVE in all caps to read just about anything. Below is my review of Elin HIlderbrand’s recent work, Summer of ’69, which I highly recommend. I am a longtime Elin Hilderbrand reader and Summer of ’69 is one of the most enjoyable romps I have…

  • Tuesday Beauty Talks

    Hello, All! It has been a really long time since my last post- in that time there has been quite a few changes in Chickadeeland; a new job for the hubs, which meant a move from my beloved Arkansas to surprisingly pleasant Iowa last June, a lot of new writings in the works, and most…

  • Tuesday Q&A With the Chick; What Do You Like to Read, Lady?!

    So, I don’t talk about this often but I am (at the ripe old age of 39) about 9 months out from getting my Bachelor’s degree- it’s been a long road and I frequently feel burned out BUT I am almost finished so there’s no giving up now, right? Right?! As such, I often am…

  • Monday Q&A With the Chick

    Of all the questions sent my way in the last few months, the most common ones from you ladies tends to be in regard to skin care. I get it. I worry too about what the future will bring with my skin and often want to try and make the future a more attractive place…

  • Thursday DIY; That’s My (Tomato) Jam!!!!

    I have this very talented cousin who loves to grow food. She is so good at it that she took her education and her talent and her extremely sweet personality and, for a few years, taught children in the great state of Arkansas how to not only grow their own fruits and vegetables but also…

  • Wednesday Recipe Corner; Gyro Soup

    Winters where I live are not necessarily cold- not like some of the Michigan and Illinois winters I’ve lived through (and that some of my friends and loved ones are currently enduring), but it does get chilly. Nobody, and I mean nobody, does grey, overcast and foggy quite like Arkansas does in the winter- it…

  • Tuesday Beauty Talks

    So, I admit it . . . I’m a little bit of a fragrance junkie. Actually, that’s not true- I’m a lotta bit of a fragrance junkie. I could say I don’t know where that started but then I would be lying and the basis of a strong friendship is trust soooooo . . .…

  • Monday Q&A with the Chick

    Good morning and Happy New Year everyone!!!! I hope this blog post finds you all happy, healthy and thriving on this gloomy Monday. There is a notorious lack of involvement with readers around these parts- and although we just celebrated our one year anniversary of being live on the 1st of the year we did…

  • I’m So Jelly!!!!

    The days are still fairly warm here in Arkansas, even if the evenings and mornings are chilly- I keep waiting for colder weather to get here, but last year it never really did (save for a few ice storms and then immediate warm weather that followed which is manic and kind of cool- snow boots…