Brenda Novak’s ‘One Perfect Summer’

I. Want. A. Hammock.

This is not my first Brenda Novak review; over the winter, I read and reviewed ‘Christmas in Silver Springs’, which was quite charming and engaging and this is no different. Novak has a knack for traversing the way our lives change and ebb and flow, ravel and unravel and how we navigate it all.

Serenity had to be one of my favorite characters I’ve ever read; a true crime writer whose Netflix queue has to look similar to mine, she felt like a friend to me, someone who would never get sick of re-watching ‘True Detective’ and who would understand me because we’re wired similarly. It makes you want the best for her; and when she discovers sisters she has never known and they begin traversing life’s landscape together, ‘One Perfect Summer’ becomes a heart-achingly sweet story that is hard to put down.