‘Chance of a Lifetime’ by Jude Deveraux and Tara Sheets

If this were an advert for a TV show I would watch the hell out of it. Anybody else feel me?

This review was commissioned by Harper Collins.

So, let me start by saying that this seasoned author pairing up with newer voices dynamic is a thing these days and I’m here for it. James Patterson does it (plucking people out of his MasterClass, which is kind of awesome in my opinion) and it is amazing to see even renowned novelists supporting people who are newer to the industry this way.

Jude Deveraux was the first romance novelist I ever read, actually, way back in something like 1993 when I was in high school. Michael Taggert, the hero in that book was my first ever book boyfriend, and I still love him to this day. So finding out Jude Deveraux was paired up with a novelist I hadn’t heard of before, Tara Sheets, and being offered a chance to review was super duper exciting for me. The grande dame and a new, fresh voice as well? Sign me up.

I was not disappointed; Liam O’Connor is a bad boy in the 1800s and he is a bad boy now. Sent back to Earth to right the wrong he committed back then when he fell in love with Cora McLeod, with the strict instructions that he must send her on the right path and that (and this is especially important) sex is off the table, too? I mean, he’s a cad and she’s adorable; what could possibly go wrong?

The most stunning thing to me in this novel was how the writing and the story sparkled; there is mostly a very constant flow to the story and everything is very conversational but not in an annoying, bantering way. It is very natural and entertaining from beginning to end, blending historical and contemporary romance seamlessly.

I am attributing this sparkle to Tara Sheets; I have read enough Deveraux over the years to know that she does symbolism and gut-wrenching love and people moving on from tragic circumstances very well, but sparkle is often times missing in the works where she is going them alone.

It isn’t missing here- I am very anxious to see what other works Tara Sheets will have to offer in the future.